Is sustainable architecture important?
Thanks to the rapid industrialization, earth had suffered a lot in such a small time frame. There was merciless killings of so many animals, cutting down the trees even if there were no important use for it, spilling dangerous chemicals on the nutritious soil, we have to talk about sustainability now. Take the time to understand that sustainable architecture is not planting bushes and creepers on your terrace. This area of study is very huge and indigestible to few. Mentioned below are few points on the sustainable architecture.
Reducing human impact
Everyday life of more than an average human being impact the nature negatively. We are excellent at throwing out waste, even a small bit of toffee wrapper on wherever we are present at that time. We can build a house without completely wiping the plot out of trees and plants right! Why don't people maintain the slope of a space instead of slicing a huge quantity of soil out?! You should learn from Glenn Murcutt
Lesser energy consumption
Buildings are environment friendly only if you design it in such a way that no increased energy than required is needed to run the building. If you take out every plants and trees, and cover the refreshing soil with concrete interlocking, there is no point in complaining about the heat induced in the building. Probably it is time for a new air-conditioner.
Usage of natural materials
While the nature had blessed us with more than enough materials for construction, we still try to invent new materials after the dangerous 'cement'. Plastic materials for construction are becoming a new trend. Why cant we build something using the mud, timber, rubbles,bamboo, hemp, cork, flax, and soy?! If you cut a tree today, you should plant five trees in its place and that's called sustainability. People who complain that natural materials are unavailable at their place of dwelling, are the same people who will try to build an 'igloo' in the Sahara desert.
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