Design workspace is never conventional I would love to compare the present Indian architecture to a typical romantic Indian film in which there is a hero, villian, the hero goes behind the heroine, the villian conduct occasional attack, the hero defeats the villian in the climax. There are couple of fight sequence, song and dance, and almost every Indian cinema is predictable today! Earlier, the audience never felt boring about the film quality, but they enjoyed the humors and lame jokes inside the film. But today's audience can not really love such film anymore. They need more practical and naturalistic elements. The space in which I have learnt designing was just a typical array of lintels and beams with regular typical arrangement of doors and windows. I do not really want to think the designer/engineer had really known the users inside, because from my personal experience, it is horrible. Just like Indian cinema, these spaces inside my college are just a typical space which can...
Design enthusiast . Anthropologist . Photographer